Welcome, this website was created through my passion for nature and my hobby photography. It’s about nature experience and capturing it’s beauty. In our today’s paced, hectic and technology based lives it’s easy to get stressed out. We have somehow lost connection with mother nature. Connecting with nature helps us find peace in our busy life. Nature is our life support system. It underpins our communities, our economy and our livelihoods, and it gives us the places and wildlife we all love. It is time that we come to appreciate nature more and take care of her. We can no longer continue to live in abundance with impunity. We need to stop the destruction, we need to change, and choose another path. We have to come to our senses and take our responsibility. Nature photography is more than just taking pictures. It is about enjoying and appreciating mother nature. When you look through the lens to enjoy and capture the natural world, you notice the vulnerability of it. We have to cherish and preserve the environment we live in.
In the portfolio section you can explore the beauty i have captured. These galeries are frequently being updated with new images, so make sure you check for updates regularly. All of these images are available as fine art prints. Please Contact me for more information. Make sure you have read the terms of use of this website.
For as long as I can remember I have felt a deep connection with Nature. As a child growing up in Groningen in the Netherlands, I was alway playing outside enjoying the natural world. When i am surrounded by nature, it makes me feel free and happy. Nature’s beauty, diversity and complexity keeps amazing me. Whether it’s birds, wild animals, flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes, or small insects, it fascinates and inspire me. Photography is a learning process for me, i always try to improve my skills and techniques, to become a better photographer. I strive to document scenes as closely to real life as possible respecting the animals and their natural habitat. Nature photography is more than just taking pretty pictures. It is a creative process, it gives me great pleasure to observe birds, insects, flowers or landscapes. I don’t fall in any one particular genre of nature photography. I do some landscape, macro, wildlife or bird photography, whatever comes on my way, while being outdoors. Of course it is satisfying when i managed to shoot some great pictures as well in the process. I started with photography during my hollidays. I used various Panasonic compact camera’s over the years. Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ2, FZ-5, FZ-38. Much later in 2010 I bought my first mirror reflex camera a Canon EOS 600D. Today i use a Canon EOS 80D with several lenses. Recently i bought a Panasonic FZ-1000ii. I love mountainscapes, that’s also the reason that i visited Austria and the Alps lots of time.
With my pictures and all the nice wise quotes on this website, i hope to inspire others to appreciate nature more. You can follow my work on this website and on 500px.com and Instagram.
Greetings, Martin Smit