Pinetum Ter Borgh Hidden in the Evertsbos between Anloo and Eext is the Pinetum ‘Ter Borgh’. A visitor cannot help but marvel at the variety of colors and shapes of the conifers. The steel blue colour of the Picea engelmannii ‘Glauca’, the yellow glow of the Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Goldrush’ and the wondrous coniferous wreath of the Japanese Fir. These are just a few of the more than 400 conifers from all parts of the world. The Pinetum is well worth a visit. The walk from the parking lot on the Anderenseweg goes past a towering giant sequoia tree Sequoiadendron giganteum that was planted in 1926, the dolmen D11 from the prehistoric Funnel Beaker culture and the raised bog pond Talingveen. Arriving at the entrance, an Incense Cedar from California and a Swedish Juniper welcome visitors! Here are some impressions: